How Do Waiters Remember Orders: Creative Hacks You Didn’t Know About

How Do Waiters Remember Orders: Creative Hacks You Didn’t Know About

When dining in a restaurant, you won’t watch the waiter’s skills more than usual. But when they take your order without writing it down you start to notice and when the waiter brings the food to your table without asking who was it for, well that is an impressive skill! As impressive it is, it…

Why Do Restaurants Have Low Lighting: Aspects You Must Know

Why Do Restaurants Have Low Lighting: Aspects You Must Know

When walking into a restaurant with low lighting, it feels amazing, cozy, and warm. However, it raises the question of why do restaurants have low lightning, what are they trying to accomplish. The reason for that is actually extremely important what comes to the restaurant’s overlook. You probably have been in both well light restaurant…

Why Does My Food Processor Leak: Helpful Troubleshooting Guide

Why Does My Food Processor Leak: Helpful Troubleshooting Guide

As an experienced chef myself, I have used many different kinds of food processors for many different brands, and at some point in the food processor’s lifespan, it starts to leak. At first, the leaking is so frustrating and annoying because you don’t know what to do and what is the cause of the leak….

Does Restaurant Equipment Need To Be NSF Certified?

Does Restaurant Equipment Need To Be NSF Certified?

If you are familiar with different restaurant equipment and supplies, then you are probably familiar with NSF International, formerly the National Sanitation Foundation. When considering a new piece of equipment for your restaurant, there are both NSF-certified equipment and those that don’t include it. It is no wonder that the question comes to mind and…

How Do Waiters/Waitress Get Tips From Credit Card? (Easily)

How Do Waiters/Waitress Get Tips From Credit Card? (Easily)

Have you ever wondered how on earth do servers get tipped when you are using a credit card? Well, you aren’t alone in the thought, and once I wondered the same question. When we are thinking about the tipping culture it is so different around the globe. In the Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway,…

Why Is Restaurant Business Important: Crucial Aspects Revealed!

Why Is Restaurant Business Important: Crucial Aspects Revealed!

Restaurants include so much more than food and socializing that are important as their own, however, you’d be surprised at how deep the importance of restaurants really go, and how wide the benefits really are. The restaurant business employs a ton of waiters, chefs, managers, etc, however, the job descriptions don’t end there. Who delivers…